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Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας:

Εργοστάσιο παραγωγής πελλετοποιημένων οργανικών λιπασμάτων 2 ... 3 t/hour

Εργοστάσιο παραγωγής πελλετοποιημένων οργανικών λιπασμάτων 2 ... 3 t/hour

Raw for this factory is the dung silt manure with relative humidity to 45 %. At higher initial humidity of raw the factory is completed in addition with the equipment mechanic pressing an excessive moisture (decanter).
The dung (manure) is brought up by motor transport (or a lift truck) and “the mobile floor” (1) is poured on the mechanized warehouse or moves on it from decanter (is not shown).
Stokers of a mobile floor have a hydraulic drive and under its action make back and forth motions. Shovels ("wings") of stokers have the wedge-shaped form, therefore at movement of stokers the raw with adjustable speed of giving goes to a chain (scraper) transporter (2), further the raw moves on a disk separator (3). On it stones are separated a dung (manure), roots, etc. to impurity (at picking decanter the disk separator isn't necessary) which get to the portable container (on the scheme isn't shown), and the raw through gravity flow gets to loading section of the Aggregate of Drying-crushing (4). Products of burning from heat-generator (5) Here move and cold atmospheric air through is emergency-rastopochnuju a pipe (6) (into picking doesn't enter) is sucked in. Products of burning and cold air originally mix up, the blending weight is regulated automatically that provides maintenance of the set temperature of the heat-carrier. Then the heat-carrier mixes up with damp raw and is sucked in in the Aggregate of Drying-crushing (4). In it the dung (manure) is crushed and then dried up, rising in a heat-carrier flow to the dynamic qualifier which is in head section of the Aggregate of Drying-crushing. The dynamic qualifier, which frequency is set from a control panel (20), drops small and dry raw, and large and damp particles of raw returns to the Aggregate rotor, this process repeats before reception of necessary humidity and degree of crushing of raw. The crushed and dried up raw (from this point on it is accepted to name it a flour) is sucked in in a sedimentary cyclone (8) for the account discharged, created induced-draft fan. In a cyclone the flour is besieged at the expense of centrifugal force and moves downwards, and the fulfilled heat-carrier is thrown out in a chimney (19). From a cyclone the flour through a lock shutter moves in screw or the chain transporter (9), arrives further in the bunker pelleter (10). In the bunker there is a device interfering caking of a flour. From the bunker the flour moves screw a feeder with adjustable speed of giving in the amalgamator (conditioner) of a press, water (or steam) here moves. In the amalgamator there is a product air-conditioning, i.e. finishing of humidity of a flour to the level necessary for process of a granulation. The humidified flour through a separator of ferromagnetic impurity is removed from the amalgamator in a press-granuljator (11). In the camera of pressing the flour is tightened between a rotating matrix and pressing rollers and pressed through in radial apertures of a matrix where under the influence of the big pressure there is a forming of granules. The granules squeezed out from apertures encounter a motionless knife and break off. The broken off granules fall downwards and through a casing sleeve are removed from a press. The granules leaving a press, have high temperature and are fragile, therefore they are transported Noria (12) in cooling a column (13). Here through a layer of granules the fan of a cyclone (16) soaks up air which cools granules and simultaneously sucks away a part not from the granulated torments in a cyclone. In the course of chilling humidity of granules decreases at the expense of moisture evaporation, and in granules there are physical and chemical changes. As a result they acquire necessary hardness, humidity and temperature. From cooling columns, in process of its filling, a granule arrive on sorting (14) where there is a department conditionized granules from a crumb. Granules are removed through discharged a mouth and move on Noria finished product (15), and the crumb is sucked away in a cyclone (16) and further goes together with a flour on repeated pressing (the option in a direction of this crumb in the fuel bunker is possible). Noriej finished product of a granule move in the bunker of finished product (17). Under this bunker electronic scales (18) are located, and on bunker racks there are hooks for posting of sack (Big-Bega). The filled sacks are transported by a lift truck or the hydraulic cart on a finished product warehouse.
The heat-generator in the given picking it can be loaded by fuel as in manual (through a door), and in an automatic mode - from the bunker of fuel (7). Replenishment of the bunker of fuel is produced automatically by system of pneumotransport (21). Optional the fuel bunker can replenish with an additional transporter from a warehouse of raw or a separate warehouse of fuel (are not shown).

Ελάχιστη Τιμή
182 000 euro
Βασική Τιμή
467 500 euro
Βέλτιστη Τιμή
496 000 euro
Μέγιστη Τιμή
556 000 euro
* Στην τιμή δεν περιλαμβάνεται Φ.Π.Α.
Τεχνικά Χαρακτηριστικά
Παράμετρος Τιμή Παραμέτρου
Γενικές διαστάσεις  
Μήκος, m 30,5
Πλάτος, m 20,5
Ύψος, m 8,7
Ηλεκτρική ισχύς  
Ηλεκτρική ισχύς, kW 200
Διαστάσεις στεγασμένου εξοπλισμού  
Μήκος, m 22,5
Πλάτος, m 15,0
Ύψος, m 6,3
Τηλέφωνο Επικοινωνίας
Πνευματική Ιδιοκτησία 2011-Όλα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται