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Проблема эффективной сушки растительного сырья и производственных отходов решена

Индустриальная эпоха. Практически все предметы потребления человека, включая продукты питания, производятся промышленным способом. У масштабного промышленного производства имеется ряд преимуществ перед мелкотоварным: большая экономическая эффективность за счет более высокой производительности труда и низких издержек в расчете на единицу произведенной продукции, более высокое качество продукции. Однако, у крупного промышленного производства имеются и серьезные недостатки. Один из главных недостатков – концентрация отходов ...

Processing of chicken dung. As well as how much?

The known sad joke says that the main production of poultry farm – dung. Its profitable utilization – dream of all heads of this growing branch. The technology of drying and a granulation of these difficult organic raw materials will allow not only to turn waste of poultry farms into their income, to solve an environmental problem of settlements, adjacent to poultry farms, but also will promote restoration of fertility of lands due to replacement of mineral fertilizers with the organic ...

Pelletized vitamin-grass meal: past, present and future

The pelletized vitamin-grass meal is a natural protein-vitamin meal (additive in feed) for the livestock animals, which is produced from grass being harvested in early phase of vegetation, fast dried under high temperature, milled into flour and then pressed into pellets.
It is generally known, that the basic ration of many agricultural livestock consists of grass. As far as fresh grass is available only during summer time, so it is harvested for future use in that period. Previously the grass had been harvested for farmyard period mainly by way of drying into hay. The methods of better grass conservation ...

INTERPELLETS 2007 Exhibition

If we glance through the event calendar of any acknowledged industry magazine, we can quickly come to the conclusion that it is only those laziest who do not hold exhibitions. The number of exhibitions is such that if one sets a goal of visiting each and every one within the specific field, they should be taking it up as a full-fledged job. In other words, visiting merely most of them is virtually impossible. Going for the major one – it’s abroad, and that implies visas, foreign language, booking etc. Some overview article could be nice...

Exhibition WORLD BIOENERGY 2006 (AND PELLETS 2006), Sweden, 2006

This conference was held in Jönköping, Sweden May 29 through June 1. The organizers of the exhibition and the conference did their best. The event comprised three stages:
1) the conference-exhibition itself (May 30 – June 1);
2) visits prior to the conference (May 29);
3) visits after the conference (June 2)
Besides, for all those willing, guided tours to the various bioenergy facilities were organized daily.

Two wood fuel pellet mini-plants are being established in Belarus

By the end of the year, within the branch of forestry two mini-plants producing wood fuel pellets are to appear. They are being established on the bases of Zhitkovichi and Stolbtsy forestry farms. This is a totally new field for the industry, and if the projects turn out successful, similar enterprises will be established in every region.

Money We Walk on

This is the way Pavel Slipchenko assesses the wastage of logging.
SP-Co is known in the market as a manufacturer of timber fuel pellets, as well as a supplier of machinery for their production. We asked its head, Pavel Slipchenko to tell us about the enterprise, as well as the bottlenecks Russian entrepreneurs may run into having decided to get involved in this business.

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Slipchenko P.P.
АИР Coffeestudio